Canada press release distribution
Best Press Release Distribution Service in Canada
Pickup Guaranteed on at least 10 Top-Tier Canadian News Sites & Blogs
Just $299
We will distribute your press release to top Canadian News sites, magazines, editors, and journalists.
After the distribution is finalized, we closely track media coverage and deliver a comprehensive clipping report to you.
Here are the key features of our service:
- Guaranteed coverage on Tier 1 Canadian media outlets* (such as The Globe and Mail, The Chronicle Journal, etc.)
- Picked and published by minimum 10 sites
- Indexed on Google News & Bing News
- We monitor media coverage for 5 days and provide a detailed report with live links to your press release.
- There’s no word limit
- Image is allowed
- Industry’s most affordable Canadian press release distribution plan
Important points to consider before placing your order:
- Please make sure to send us the final PR draft that’s ready for immediate release
- We won’t accept any edits or changes, once the PR has been sent out for distributed
- Thoroughly check your draft prior to placing order. We won’t be responsible for errors in your press release
- Writing is not included. You must provide us with the press release