Topics Not Allowed: ICO, NFT and Cryptocurrency*, Lawsuits, Criticism, Politics, Explicit Stuff, Alcohol, Vaping, Supplements or any other topic that is deemed inappropriate by the news sites.

Crypto/ICO/Blockchain related orders can be placed here:

Please make sure to read the FAQs and our Refund Policy, prior to placing any order! By placing an order on, you agree to our Refund Policy and Terms of Conditions.

Order Process

No Registration Required!

  1. Place Your Order: Fill out the press release form, proceed to checkout and complete the order.
  2. Distribution: As soon as your Order is successfully placed, we’ll send your press release out for distribution.
  3. Delivery of Order: An email with Complete Distribution Report & LIVE links is sent to your inbox (Your email ID).

( Please Note: Your press release goes through a basic screening and proofreading. However, if there are major issues with your release, one of our representatives will contact you via email, and ask you to fix the errors).

24 Hour Distribution

Usually, your press release goes LIVE on Google within 24 hours of placing order (if it’s free of errors). However, if you have placed order on late Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it will be sent out for distribution on Monday.

Our Turnaround Time: For orders that are placed on Weekdays, our TAT is 1 to 3 days. However, orders placed on Weekends will be delivered in 2 to 4 business days.

Please fill out the form to proceed to checkout

Some Quick Tips:

  • Please avoid use of Double and Single Quotations Marks in Press Release Title.
  • Completely avoid use of Trademark and Registered Symbols in Press Release, as these symbols become corrupted when resurfaced on other sites and could even trigger spam filters.
  • Up to 5 Links in press release body is allowed.
  • However, if you are adding YouTube Video Link, do not add more than 4 links in press release body.
  • Please double check and submit final press release DRAFT only. A press release that has been sent out for distribution, or has already been syndicated to news sites can’t be edited!
*Press Release Writing is not included in LITE Pack. You have to provide us with an already written Press Release that’s ready for distribution!

Please enter your Press Release details below. Sections highlighted with * are MANDATORY!

  • Yes
  • No

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